Surpatele Monastery

Surpatele Monastery

Surpatele Monastery with the “Holy Trinity” feast is located in the commune of Frâncesti, Surpatele village, Valcea county, 12 km from Babeni train station and 3 km from the monastery “Dintr-un Lemn”.

The church was built by Tudor logofatul Dragoescu and his brother Stanciu, sons of Popa Frincu, at the beginning of the 16th century (Pr. D. Balasa), rebuilt by the Buzesti boyars and repaired in the 17th century. Between 1703-1706, the church was rebuilt from the wall by Mrs. Marica Brancoveanu, and painted. Later, in 1815 it was repaired and repainted by the painter Gheorghe Gherontie from Hurezi.

In 1872 the monastery was closed to worship because of the ruin, the nuns being moved to the monastery “Dintr-un Lemn”, being restored between 1927-1935, by the Commission of Historical Monuments (the 17 current chapels were made by the abbess Varvara Predescu).

The church has a beautifully carved catapetasma, as well as the doors in the Brancovenesc style. On the walls there are painted the faces of the voivods who founded the holy place and a painting rarely seen in church iconography, on “the division of the garments of Jesus”, executed by one of the two painters, Andrew and Joseph the Hieromonk, who painted this church.

Alexandru Odobescu notes since 1860, some valuable objects from this holy monastery: a Gospel dressed with polished silver, given by Constantin Brancoveanu when he was vel-spatar, the dania being written with his hand; two icon poals and a serasir dvera and several thin linen pincers, sewn with great finesse, for the Mother of God. There are also inscribed sphinxes in Odobescu’s catalogue, of velvet cloth carved on thick silk or silk with horse hair.

The last improvements were made by the Holy Bishopric of Ramnic and Arges between 1958-1959.

Thanks Vâlcea Turistica for permission to use the photos and information.